We enjoy happy, healthy long-term clients. Why? Because Colon Therapy works! Don’t take our word for it – take our customers’.

“This was the best thing I’ve ever done for My well-being. After the colon cleanse, I literally felt like a million bucks! I was mentally clearer, and my energy level was through the roof. I haven’t felt this great in a long time. Dr. Mark was amazing, knowledgeable and made it very comfortable. I can’t wait to go again this Saturday, as a matter of fact. Everyone needs to try this. You don’t know what you are missing.”

-Marla Smith

“This “thank you” is well overdue. It’s been three months since my first visit, and I’m not sure if I ever really said: “Thank You.”

I would go days without a bowel movement, I was so constipated and bloated. I was just irritable! I felt like I was shutting down mentally and physically.

I heard about Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonic) from a friend of mine. I was a little unsure of the procedures. I asked myself, would it be painful and unpleasant? It was not at all what I thought. No smell, no mess, and the results have been remarkable! I now have frequent bowel movements; my energy level has increased, I fall asleep in minutes, I no longer suffer from hemorrhoid pain, and my lymph nodes are no longer swollen. I feel overall happier about myself, my family and my career. I also appreciate the care and concern you show me. You are so generous with your time, knowledge, and inspiration for a happy and healthy life.

You and your staff have definitely improved the quality of my life!

Thank you!”

-Lisa R.

“Having colonics gave my body the opportunity to heal from all of the toxins and blockages I was experiencing. I have been able to enjoy a sense of well-being and regularity that no prescription drug could have provided.

Thank you!”

-Jennifer D.

“I just had to write and let you know how much you have changed my life! For most of my life, I struggled with poor digestion and elimination. Colonics have cured everything! I feel great; I’m able to eat whatever I want without eaters regret an hour later! My body loves colonics, and I am so grateful. I just wish I had discovered you guys about 15 years ago!”

Thank you so much!”

-Melissa G.

“It was a comfortable and relaxing experience! Mark was very informative and helpful.”

-Priscilla Nichols

“I started coming for colonics about two years ago. My digestive system had severe problems. After visiting five different physicians with no solution, a friend recommended colonics. The personal service from Mark made a huge difference in my life. Colonics have helped me achieve better overall health and well-being. I haven’t felt this good for a long time. I can’t imagine where I would be without them.”

-Robyn W.

“I have been suffering from chronic heartburn for ten years. I am now completely free of heartburn. I do not need those antacids anymore. My digestion is much better! Thank you.”


“You have given us hope to fight this cancer.”


“Thank you! You have helped us tremendously! It’s truly changing our lives. You’re the best”


“Thank you for the caring way you have been taking care of me. I will always come back when I’m in town. Till then, I’ll miss you.”


“Mark always provides great service! Colonics make me feel fresh and super energized.”

-Yuliya Antonets

“Thanks so much for all the help you’ve given me. No more skin problems on my face and neck, and no more nervous energy. I am thinking clearly, have more energy, and am sleeping better. I feel better all the way around. I’ll be back. Thanks again.”


“Thanks so much for treating us with the colon therapy; our allergies are much better.”


“Thanks for giving me my life back to enjoy.”


“Mark is wonderful. I felt so amazing after just the first colonic.”

-Mandana Honors

“First time getting one – felt a relief afterward.”

-LaShonda Valentine

“After spending over a year having every medical test done there is and being given numerous drugs by doctors telling me this would fix everything, you had to figure it out for them. So many tests and the

doctors couldn’t find the problem, yet within a few months, you fixed me. There are not many things I know of that are worse than not being able to go to the bathroom for days and days at a time. On Christmas of 2006, I was afraid it might be the last as bad as I was feeling, but because of a dear friend, I was introduced to you. I had never heard of a colonic before, probably because the doctors don’t want any of us to know about them.

I’m in the construction field, and I’ve had many things happen to me, like concrete getting in my eye, sawing through my leg with a skill saw, and even shooting a nail through my finger with a nail gun.

But none of that is as bad as you feel when you can’t go to the bathroom. Every part of your body is miserable, and when the doctors have no idea what to do, then where do we go? Now I know, and I’m so glad I met you guys. It’s been four months since I started seeing you, and now I can actually go on my own. The best part is that there are no drugs involved. All I do now is get a colonic every two weeks and take the natural supplements you said to use.

I will never forget the way I used to feel, but I will also never forget how you took all of that away. Don’t ever move, don’t ever retire and don’t even take any days off (just kidding). I just want you to know that I appreciate you.

Many thanks.”

-Jeff H.

Other Articles You May Find Interesting

Board Certified Gastrointestinal Surgeon Dr. Leonard Smith Endorses Colon Hydrotherapy

Thirty years ago, Leonard Smith, M.D., of Gainesville, Florida, graduated from medical school and eventually became board certified in general surgery by the American College of Surgery. For more than 25 years, Dr. Smith has practiced as a specialist in gastrointestinal surgery. He has dealt with all types of colon difficulties, including operations for colon cancer, colon diverticulitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, and a number of other internal organ problems.

“I am very well acquainted with the colon’s functions, and my true belief is that colon hydrotherapy is the perfect cleansing medium for preparing the patient for colonoscopy. It’s a much better way of getting the human colon ready for an operation than having a patient swallow a gallon of that presurgery solution known as ‘Colon-Go-Lytely.’ Instead, colon hydrotherapy allows the patient to avoid this solution’s noxious side effects of vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and other troubles,” Dr. Smith says. “Moreover, seriously ill patients tend to be chronically constipated, which results in generalized toxemia. It turns out that colon hydrotherapy is the gentlest and most effective treatment for a constipation problem. My recommendation for cancer patients is that they should undergo frequent colon hydrotherapy procedures to make sure the colon’s toxic burden is being kept at a minimum while their bodies are trying to heal,” affirms Dr. Smith.

“While not a substitute for eating a high fiber diet, those cancer patients who take colon hydrotherapy often experience the elimination of their aches and pains, improvement of appetite, and they tolerate a tough healing process better.”

“I also believe that normally healthy people will find it valuable to take colon hydrotherapy every couple of months in order to experience how well one feels when the colon is truly empty. It’s a fact that most people fail to fully evacuate the colon, something they don’t realize. People undergoing colon hydrotherapy on a prevention basis are quite surprised at how much waste is removed by the procedure,” Dr. Smith says.

“Without reservation, my wish is to see it become an established procedure for many kinds of gastrointestinal problems. If medical centers, hospitals, and clinics installed colon hydrotherapy departments, they would find such departments just as efficacious for patients as their present treatment areas, which are devoted to physiotherapy,” states Leonard Smith, MD. “Such is my belief, and I do endorse this therapeutic program.”

Paris Hilton’s High Colonic Adventure, An Inside Look

Dec 10, 2005, 08:48

LOS ANGELES – Paris Hilton is about to appear nearly naked in a television commercial once again. This time, however, instead of doing a lap dance on a high-powered black car, Hilton will be stretched out on a table at The Total Health Connection touting the glories of colon cleansing on behalf of The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy, for which she is the 2006 Colon Girl. The following is the text from that commercial.

“Hi, this is Paris Hilton. Perhaps you’ve been wondering how I manage to look so radiant while going to a different club every night, drinking to excess, and fighting off STDs. Sure, being independently wealthy and dating only Greek billionaires helps, but even the rich and famous can feel tired and frumpy sometimes.

“When I get the ‘blues,’ I get on down to The Total Health Connection and get hooked up with a refreshing high colonic purge. Take it from me, Paris Hilton; nothing restores the complexion, invigorates the mind, and cleanses the soul better than a king-size dump. That’s why nearly two-thirds of the celebrities in Hollywood—beautiful people like Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Tara Reid, Lindsay Lohan, and Kimberly Stewart—rely on high colonics to keep them on the go.

“Perhaps you’re wondering just what this high colonic business is all about. Well, let me tell you, it’s better than sex, and I should know. A high colonic is warm, wonderful, and entirely painless—and best of all, you don’t have to miss any important calls on your cell phone. Besides, it’s quick. In no more than an hour, you’ll be back in your Mercedes, ready to hit Decades or The Gucci Store.

“To begin, you lie on this totally comfortable table in a stylishly appointed room. The colonic therapist gently inserts a small rigid tube called a speculum about six inches into your rectum. Oooooooh. Just talking about it gives me goosebumps.

“The therapist attaches the speculum to a gaily colored plastic hose connected to a colon irrigation machine. While soothing Yanni music plays softly in the background, all five feet of your colon are slowly filled with warm, purified, jasmine-scented water.

“This causes the muscles that line the colon to contract and expand rhythmically—as though they’re grooving to a sensuous disco beat — forcing out that nasty fecal matter, gas, and mucus through an evacuation tube that leads back to the machine. Don’t worry, girls, nobody’s going to laugh if you make a noise like a tuba.

“After the first infusion of water has been expelled, the procedure is repeated until twenty to thirty gallons of water have been flushed through the bowel. Then, before you can say, ‘Stavros, that feels so good,’ you’re ready to go shopping.

“So take it from me, Paris Hilton, Colon Girl for The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy, if you want to look your best for the holidays, treat yourself to a high colonic right away. No ifs, ands, or butts about it.”